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The Necessity of a Hindu American Chaplaincy

A New Kind of Dharma Leadership

A Salute to America

From the Board – Recognizing Goodness Regardless of the Rhetoric

Mainstreaming Hindu and Dharmic Americans and Values

What a year! 2012...

Faith, Food, and Creating Interfaith Community

One of the best ways to generate community with young people is food. Food is a must! It not only provides an excuse for multitudes of people to come together but can create a strong bond, stronger than we imagine. Centuries of tradition and craftsmanship have gone into the creation of humankind’s many foods, and they can bring peace to one’s mind and stomach. A delicious meal, from whatever community, can also be a great conversation starter. In America, if you have Murgh Makhani (an Indian chicken curry dish) with Naan (bread), or Saag (collard greens) with rice, people can ask about the origins of the dishes and the role food plays in a community.

How a Catholic Kid in Kentucky Became a San Francisco Swami

Looking back now, I guess my life is another testimony to “Ask and ye shall receive.” I was serious about religion as a child and, in one way or another, was always trying to find the truth and do the right thing. It was questioning and seeking that gradually led me step by step to become a sannyasi, or monk, in the tradition of Yoga.

Social Justice as a Unifying Issue for Dharmic Communities

Religious communities are never the same once they reach America. In my view, they often become even more remarkable.

Starting with Moksha and Karma Yoga

Finding meaning in life is an age-old quest that has perplexed people across geographical frontiers and transcended religious and spiritual affiliations. It attracts the interest of sages, religious scholars, and ordinary individuals alike. From distinctions between faith traditions to individual differences within a single religion to variances in time and space, every person will answer this question their own way, uniquely. It is therefore a quintessentially individual and personal search involving a diversity of perspectives.

Torah, Sequined Saris, Chapattis, and Peace

I have prayed in synagogues in Italy, Venezuela, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Curacao, Belgium, Kenya, Egypt, Australia, and Russia. But this was my first time chanting the Shema with a group of Jewish women all wearing saris.