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Joshua Stanton

Boomers & Millennials Compare Interfaith Action

What does it mean to “mobilize” a movement for social justice in the Internet Age? The word “mobilization” has strong associations for the Boomer Generation, when organizing hundreds to march, rally or take part in a sit-in was the visible manifestation of social justice activism.

Seminarians Go Online to “Make Interfaith”

In Rabbinic Judaism, Torah is considered as much a process as a sacred text. By studying, analyzing, and debating the significance of its contents, rabbis and their disciples are said to make Torah.

Social Justice as a Unifying Issue for Dharmic Communities

Religious communities are never the same once they reach America. In my view, they often become even more remarkable.

Finding Your Voice in an Interfaith World

I was sitting in my apartment in Jerusalem, hiding from the world. A war was raging a hundred miles south of me, and another seemed likely to start a hundred miles to the north. I felt unable to impact the situation at all.

The People Who Write for TIO

This posting marks TIO’s sixth issue. Half a year in seems a good time to catch a breath and see where we’ve come. More than 100 articles, news items, interfaith reports, and calendar events have gone to TIO subscribers and can now be found at www.theinterfaithobserver.org. In sum, this material underlines the assumption which motivated this venture in the first place – that those who embrace interfaith culture need to know more about each other, the manifold resources that are surfacing, and the ways healthy interfaith collaboration can contribute to peace, justice, and care for the Earth.

A Conversation with John Cobb

TIO: Thank you for taking the time to speak with me, Professor Cobb. I’m particularly interested in talking about one of your recent books.

John Cobb:Which one?

TIO: The Dialogue Comes of Age: Christian Encounters with Other Traditions.

Cobb: I thought you might be referring to it.

TIO: One of the things that struck me was how it focused on dialogue between religious communities as a collective. Could you tell me more about that?