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Religion, Risk, Resilience, and Disaster Response

Religion, Risk, Resilience, and Disaster Response

by Katherine Marshall

Increased extreme weather disasters are an expected long-term effect of climate change. Already, changes occurring globally have increased the intensity and duration of heat waves, risks of drought, flooding….

Getting Involved with the Major Anti-nuclear Players

Getting Involved with the Major Anti-nuclear Players

by Paul Chaffee

Jesus warned about those who have eyes but cannot see. His injunction resonates today when considering the general ignorance of the dangers of nuclear weapons, a risk of even greater consequence than climate change.

Pacific School of Religion’s Unlikely Adventure

Pacific School of Religion’s Unlikely Adventure

by Paul Chaffee

Nowhere is the diminishing influence of liberal Protestantism in the US more dramatic than in the decline of its seminaries. Mounting debt, smaller student bodies, and ever-increasing costs have left dozens of institutions struggling to survive.

Opening the Door to Collaboration

Opening the Door to Collaboration

by Paul Chaffee

The most important thing to know about Reimagining Interfaith (RI), the upcoming conference in Washington DC (July 28-August 1), is how collaborative it is.

Funding Global Interreligious Action

From a Foundation’s Perspective

A Note on Financial Support for Interreligious Initiatives for Improving Societies

Why Interfaith Funding is So Tough, and an Alternative

Learning the Art of Cultural Diplomacy in Rome

The World of Diplomacy Addresses Interreligion

Clooney, Kony and Why Interfaith Matters

The Kony 2012 video has now amassed more than 83 million views on YouTube and triggered a response with which Invisible Children can’t keep up. To make things worse, this viral phenomenon has triggered assertions that have called the non-profit’s integrity into question on multiple levels. It sounds like a mess. But at least a significantly larger portion of the world’s population knows something about the horrors taking place in Uganda, right?

What Excites Me about Interfaith Work?

This article grew out of a presentation Bettina Gray made at a meeting of interfaith leaders attending the November 2011 meetings of the American Academy of Religions/Society of Biblical Literature. The session focused on innovative interfaith activity and was organized by the Coexist Foundation.