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Ret. Lt. Colonel Shareda Hosein: Not Your Average Army Officer

What would propel an 18 year-old, 4’10” Muslim girl, born in Trinidad, the daughter of immigrants, to join the U.S. Army and serve for 35 years?

Religions for Peace USA to Co-sponsor 9/11 Unity Walk: NYC

Upcoming Event

SARAH Celebrates 10 Years

Eleven years ago I awoke to the unbelievable imagery of a catalytic shock to our world, a wake up call inspiring millions of people to co-create a new world. In particular, it would be the activating yeast mobilizing women to embrace leadership in a familiar but long forgotten way.

Religion, Politics, Freedom, Faith & Making Movies in America

College-educated American women asked me at the dinner table, “But why would you want to do a film about Muslims?” “You know they’re out to get us.”

Where the Anti-Muslim Path Leads

“If I were Muslim, I’d kill myself.”

No, that’s not what was said.  It was: “If I looked like him, I’d kill myself.”

The speaker was my favorite uncle, commenting on an overweight man, across a hotel pool.  Considering how much self-talk I had engaged in to convince myself to be seen in a swimsuit, visiting my California relatives, I absorbed this pronouncement in shame and silence, trying desperately to hold onto shreds of self-worth.

New “Interfaith Infrastructure” Website Documents U.S. Interfaith Movement

Cambridge, MA – Harvard University’s Pluralism Project last month launched America’s Interfaith Infrastructure: An Emerging Landscape, a website documenting and resourcing the interfaith movement in the United States. Dr. Diana Eck, a professor at Harvard University and director of the Pluralism Project explains, “While interfaith organizations play a vital role in cities and towns across America, their critical contributions to our multireligious society are often overlooked.”

Finding My Voice in Interfaith Work

16 Ruth said, "Do not press me to leave you or to turn back from following you!
Where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God.”…
22 So Naomi returned together with Ruth the Moabite, her daughter-in-law, who came back with her from the country of Moab.”

- The Book of Ruth, Chapter 1

2011 Look Back

BOB ABERNETHY: As 2011 draws to a close we take our annual look back at what we think were the most interesting and important religion and ethics stories of the year. We begin with a reminder from Kim Lawton of what some of those stories were.