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Tony Blair Faith Foundation

Youth Interfaith Activists

Six years ago, in January 2009, I sat on a train thinking about where the year ahead would take me. Nearing the end of my undergraduate degree, I was starting to think more seriously about what to do next. I had ideas, but nothing quite seemed to fit until I came across an international, interfaith, social action-oriented program called the Faiths Act Fellowship.

Talking Back to Hate Around the World

Report: Talking Back to Hate Campaign Activities 2013-2014

Religion in U.S. Public Education

Religious Liberty, Public Education, and the Future of American Democracy: A Statement of Principles

Why Interfaith Understanding Is More Important Than Ever in Leadership

The Alpha Leadership conference taking place today in London is a reminder that despite all the negative news about religion, a different face of faith is visible and real the world over. The Alpha course on leadership, which was begun under Nicky Gumbel of the Holy Trinity Church in London, has been taken by 18 million people world-wide and is all about spreading a gospel of compassion and service to others. A similar message is given out from the remarkable Rick Warren’s church in Southern California where his congregation now numbers in excess of 100,000 people and his global reach extends to every nation on earth.