The theme of this year’s UN International Day of Peace is “Right of Peoples to Peace.” September 21, 2014 marks the 30th anniversary of the General Assembly Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace.

In New York City the day will be celebrated, in part, by a two-day conference (September 21-22) where “more than 200 religious and spiritual leaders from diverse traditions will gather for a Religions for the Earth conference. Climate activists will attend as well, with the goal of “creating a blueprint for action to drive change atlocal, national and global levels.”
In Giza, Egypt, peace activists are organizing a ‘drawing peace’ workshop for kids, a blood drive, a seminar on peace, as well as a bikathon and a walk for peace.
Thousands of similar events, including concerts, programs, marches, exhibits, and more will be celebrated around the world on or about Sunday, September 21.
Google your own community and “UN September 21 International Day of Peace” activities to find out what is happening near you. Or put together a program of your own!