The Parliament of the World Religions gathers in Salt Lake City, Utah this October 15th-19th, and many of RfP USA’s religious communities will be presenting their work. Religions for Peace USA will be featured on two panels, we hope to see you there supporting our work. Don’t miss this chance to learn more and connect!
Peacemaking and Bridge-building at the Grassroots between Muslims and Non-Muslims
October 16th, 8:30AM - 10:00AM - Room 155c

This session will feature three exemplars in bridge-building between Muslims and non-Muslims. The need for this work is urgent as rising Islamophobia in political rhetoric is exhibited, and tension between religious communities is only increasing as a result. The first presentation will be by Religions for Peace USA, featuring its “Our Muslim Neighbor” initiative. Second will be a presentation by Shahid Akhtar and the Synamosque. Finally, Waqas Syed from the Islamic Circle of North America will focus on the role of social media. Each presenter will have 15 minutes to present their projects, each closing with a brief response to the overarching question: how does your effort actively improve relations between Muslims and non-Muslims, and why is this so important? After 50 minutes of presentations, we will open the floor to conversation between the panelists and questions from the audience.
Perpetuating the Faith in Young Adults of Visible Religious Minorities
October 18th, 5:15 - 6:45PM - Ballroom B
The objective of this multi-generational panel discussion is to bring forth mechanisms through which faith is passed on to young adults of visible religious minorities in secular societies. Adults employ a variety of such methods to pass along the values and traditions of the faith to young adults –sometimes with success and other times not. The panel will include young adults and adults from Islam, Jewish, and Sikh faiths. During the panel discussion, a recording person will type and project onto a screen the suggestions made by panelists and the attendees.