Megan Anderson

Megan Anderson


Megan Anderson is TIO's webmaster and associate editor. She has a B.A. in mathematics and theology from the College of Saint Benedict/St. John's University where she completed an honors thesis titled “Interfaith Youth Core: Theology and Religious Commitment in One of America’s Most Prominent Youth Interfaith Organizations,” and an M.A. in Religion, Society, and Social Change from Claremont School of theology.

She is interested in the intersection of religion, social factors, justice, and the environment and how these impact efforts to promote sustainable behavior and the creation of an ecological civilization.

In addition to her work at TIO, Megan is the communications manger for The Institute for Ecological Civilization (EcoCiv) and the executive assistant at CHERP, an organization focused on carbon mitigation, environmental justice, community health, and regenerative local economies, through the deployment of solar panels to low- and middle-income households for little to no cost using a nonprofit model.