Frank DiGirolamo

Frank DiGirolamo

Deacon Frank DiGirolamo is the executive director for Operation Nightwatch in Seattle, a privately-funded non-profit, started in 1967. Nightwatch serves the homeless community daily in the name of Christ, with Food, Shelter, Housing, and Hope. In a typical year, they provide services through 66,000 interactions with more than 6,500 individuals.

Deacon Frank’s constant objective is to respond to how God calls him. So far, those calls have been marriage, fatherhood, ordained ministry, and some rewarding corporate roles. He’s worked in “people development” for companies like Walt Disney and Starbucks, and since 2007 has focused on full-time ministry. He “got the call” to join the Operation Nightwatch staff in 2022.

He has served as a volunteer nighttime street chaplain with Nightwatch since 2012, and has had thousands of meaningful connections with folks living in the margins. These relationships aid him in working with the multitude of staff, volunteers, board of directors, and donors. He is drawn to accompany those who are marginalized by broken relationships, homelessness, addictions, and the sex trade. It is all “sacred ground.”

Deacon Frank and his wife recently celebrated 30 years of marriage. They are blessed with one adult daughter, and have two dogs in the house. He enjoys family time, backpacking, and writing about his experiences meeting new friends in the margins.