ALisa Starkweather

ALisa Starkweather

ALisa Starkweather is the founder of the expanding grassroots global initiative, the Red Tent Temple Movement, one of the ways that she believes we can build a woman-honoring culture together. With three decades of women’s visionary work, ALisa is also the founder of a women’s mystery school in New England, Priestess Path Apprenticeship, as well as her world work, retreats and programs on Women in Power, Initiating Ourselves to the Predator Within, Daughters of the Earth Gatherings, and the Women’s Belly and Womb Conferences.

ALisa is the co-producer of Dr Isadora Leidenfrost’s documentary film, Things We Don’t Talk About: Women’s Stories from the Red Tent (2012) and a contributing author in various anthologies including Where Grace Meets Power: Women, Spirituality and Transformative Leadership (2011), and Stepping Into Ourselves – An Anthology of Writings on Priestesses (2014). A certified facilitator since 1995 of Shadow Work and student of Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, ALisa’s transformational work involves symbolism, archetypes, dreams, ceremonies, and community building as active skills in healing the wounds of humanity. In Jaipur, India, in 2008 ALisa co-presented “Women’s Visionary Leadership” at the summit, Making Way for the Feminine for the Benefit of the World Community held by the Global Peace Initiative of Women. You can find more information at her website, including her free audio download, “Permission to be Powerful.”

Photograph courtesy of Marsia Shuron Harris.