Seyyedeh Dr. Nahid Angha

Seyyedeh Dr. Nahid Angha is co-founder and co-director of the International Association of Sufism (IAS). She is executive editor of the quarterly journal Sufism: An Inquiry and founder of the International Sufi Women Organization. Dr. Angha is the IAS representative to the United Nations (NGO/DPI) and the first Muslim woman inducted to the Marin Women’s Hall of Fame. She is daughter of Moulana Shah Maghsoud, the twentieth-century Persian Sufi of the Uwaiysi School of Sufism, and the first woman appointed to teach in her father’s school. She was also the first woman to sit at the center circle with Muslim leaders from around the world to lead meditation at the international Sufism Symposium. Dr. Angha is widely published as a scholar, teacher, poet, and translator. Throughout this activity she has been an active leader in interfaith activities in local, national, and global arenas.