Stein Villumstad

Stein Villumstad, a Norwegian citizen, has been the General Secretary of European Council of Religious Leaders-Religions for Peace since January 2011. He has extensive experience in interreligious dialogue, international development, conflict transformation, and human rights.

Prior to this assignment he was the Deputy Secretary General of Religions for Peace International, based in New York for five years. Mr. Villumstad served in different functions in Norwegian Church Aid for close to twenty years before joining RFP, latest as Regional Representative for Eastern Africa with responsibility for NCA operations in ten countries. Previously he held among others the position as Assistant General Secretary with specific responsibility for policy, peace and human rights. Stein has served on a number of committees in Norway and internationally, and he was the first chair of ACT International, a global umbrella organization for Protestant and Orthodox humanitarian organizations. He has also been a member of the World Council of Churches’ (WCC) Commission on International Affairs.

Stein Villumstad has published a number of articles in international and Norwegian periodicals, and he is the author of a book about social reconstruction in Africa.