David King Keller

David King Keller is CEO of Keller Business Development Advisory Group He is a former Catholic seminarian, was active in civil rights and Martin Luther King’s Poor People’s Campaign. David spent a year in the U.S. organizing press events to bring awareness to the starving children in Biafra. He has been on the boards of many non-profit organizations and one public corporation and brought The Course of Miracles into San Quentin. He has an MBA from Pepperdine, and is pursuing a PhD in East-West Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, where he was a former trustee. David coaches and speaks on the subject of business development to law firms and other businesses with one award winning book on the subject and a “Rainmaker” book about to be released by the American Bar Association. David speaks regularly on the neuroscience of stress reduction and productivity, and practices daily meditation.