Alison Van Dyk

Alison Van Dyk is chairman of the Board and executive director of the Temple of Understanding, one of the world’s first international interfaith organizations. She grew up under the eye of Juliet Hollister, an interfaith pioneer who founded the Temple. Professionally, Alison holds graduate degrees in clinical psychology and transpersonal psychology and is a specialist in the Lowenfeld Sandplay technique. In 1990 she set up the Early Childhood Project, St. Luke's School, South Bronx, New York, and continues as a consultant there. She provides therapy for kindergarten children at risk. Alison has been involved with Temple activities since 1967, taking her to interfaith projects around the world. In 2010 she organized the Temple of Understanding’s 50th anniversary celebration. She frequently participates in North American Interfaith Network, Parliament of the World’s Religions, and United Religions Initiative activities. 

Thomas Uthup

Thomas Uthup is senior research associate, Institute of Global Cultural Studies, Binghamton University (SUNY). He is also founder of Friends UN Alliance of Civilizations (Twitter/@friendsunaoc), which promotes good practices in the governance of cultural diversity, intercultural education, interfaith relations, migrant integration, and youth empowerment. He previously served as research and education manager for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations project where he coordinated research networks and education projects, represented the Alliance at appropriate meetings, and provided inputs for senior UN officials on cultural issues. 

Dr. Uthup's academic focus has been on the complex relationships between culture and society, with special attention to religious factors – especially Islam – affecting political behavior. Dr. Uthup has published well over 90 newspaper, journal and reference articles. He has taught at Binghamton University-New York and the College of Wooster-Ohio and been a guest lecturer in classes at Oberlin College-Ohio and Cornell University-New York. 

Rick Ulfik

Rick Ulfik is founder and director of We, The World co-chair of The Foundation For Ethics and Meaning, and trustee of the Communications Coordination Committee for the UN. Rick organizes and promotes scores of events and other activities, large and small, every year. An accomplished composer and musician, he has written, produced, arranged, conducted, and performed for ABC, NBC, CBS, the Olympics, radio, feature films, commercials, records, CDs, and major recording artists from Queen Latifah to Judy Collins. For the past ten years he has dedicated more time to social change organizing. We, The World is a non-profit organization that develops global networks of collaboration and organizes large public gatherings to build mass involvement in creating a peaceful, caring, sustainable world. One of its projects is 11 Days of Global Unity September 11-21, with hundreds of events in more than 60 countries participating. 

Hans Ucko

Hans Ucko is an ordained minister of the Church of Sweden who writes, speaks, and consults on interreligious dialogue issues. He was president of Religions for Peace International from 2009 to 2011. From 1989 to 2007 he was the program executive for the Office of Interreligious Relations and Dialogue at the World Council of Churches (WCC), where he helped develop the joint WCC-Vatican document “Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World.” Ucko is the author and editor of several books, including Worlds of Memory and Wisdom: Encounters of Jews and African Christians (2005) and The Jubilee Challenge: Utopia or Possibility? (1998). He was the editor of Current Dialogue and a board trustee for Hartford Seminary. He received his doctorate in Theology at the Senate of Serampore College in Calcutta, India; his thesis examined the concepts of “people” and “people of God” as integral elements of the Jewish tradition and to Minjung and Dalit theologies.

Daniel Tutt

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Daniel Tutt is an interfaith activist and philosopher. He is associate producer of The Sultan and the Saint, and he led the scholarly development of the story. As a scholar activist, his work addresses Islamophobia and inter-religious dialogue. Daniel is co-editor of a new book entitled, Theologies and Ethics of Justice: New Directions in 21st Century Islamic Thought for IIIT press.

His writing and work has been published in Philosophy Now, The Islamic Monthly, the Washington Post, the Huffington Post and he has essays published in three different books of philosophy. Daniel is professorial lecturer at George Washington University and serves as the director of programs and a producer at Unity Productions Foundation, the filmmaking and educational organization responsible for creating The Sultan and the Saint. At UPF, he has developed and implemented a number of programs, including American Muslims: Facts vs. Fiction, a short film that reached over 10 million people during the 2016 election season, and 20,000 Dialogues, a national interfaith campaign that achieved 20,000 interfaith encounters at the grassroots level.

John Turner


John G. Turner has been teaching at the University of South Alabama since August 2006, after finishing a PhD in history at the University of Notre Dame. Along the way, he also earned a Masters of Divinity from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

Turner's teaching and research center on American culture and politics during the 19th and 20th centuries. He is fascinated by the connections between religion and American national identity, including the perennial debates (dating back to the founding of the republic) over whether the United States was/is/should be a Christian nation. He is also interested in the relationship between religious freedom and religious establishment in nineteenth-century America, especially as it pertains to the experiences of religious and racial minorities.

Turner's first book, Bill Bright & Campus Crusade for Christ (2008) explores the history of American evangelicalism since 1945. Specifically, he uses Campus Crusade as a lens through which to analyze evangelical efforts to restore American politics and education to their "Christian roots."

His second book is Brigham Young: Pioneer Prophet (2012),is a biography of the second president/prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It emphasizes Young's early religious experiences (such as speaking in tongues), the transformative effect of Joseph Smith's murder on Young's personality and approach to leadership, Young's outsized family, and his 30-year battle with the U.S. government for control of the Utah Territory.

Mary Evelyn Tucker


Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim are the Directors of the Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale. Over the last twenty years, the Forum on Religion and Ecology has been drawing together the research and insights of scholars, theologians, and laity within the world’s religions. They have identified ideas, ethics, and practices regarding ecology and justice from these traditions in books, journals, and films. Now there are environmental statements from the world’s religions, educational programs, and grassroots projects on the ground. 

Tucker is a Senior Lecturer and Research Scholar at Yale University where she has appointments in the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies as well as the Divinity School and the Department of Religious Studies.  

Her concern for the growing environmental crisis, especially in Asia, led her to organize with John Grim a series of ten conferences on World Religions and Ecology at the Center for the Study of World Religions at Harvard (1995-1998). Together they are series editors for the ten volumes from the conferences distributed by Harvard University Press. In this series she co-edited Buddhism and Ecology (Harvard, 1997), Confucianism and Ecology (Harvard, 1998), and Hinduism and Ecology (Harvard, 2000).

Tucker has been involved with the Earth Charter since its inception. She served on the International Earth Charter Drafting Committee from 1997-2000 and was a member of the Earth Charter International Council. She also serves on the Advisory Boards of Orion Magazinethe Garrison Institute, and Green Belt Movement U.S.

Grim teaches courses in Native American and Indigenous religions and World religions and ecology. He has undertaken field work with the Crow/Apsaalooke people of Montana and Salish people of Washington state. He is the author of The Shaman: Patterns of Religious Healing Among the Ojibway Indians (University of Oklahoma Press, 1983) and edited Indigenous Traditions and Ecology: The Interbeing of Cosmology and Community (Harvard, 2001). Grim is co-executive producer of the Emmy award winning film, Journey of the Universe. This film is the center piece of massive open online courses (MOOCs) offered by Yale/Coursera.

Lynda Trono

Lynda Trono is a diaconal minister in the United Church of Canada. She became involved in interfaith work after her son Joel converted to Islam in 2007 and started to experience discrimination. She joined the Manitoba Multifaith Council and chaired their Education Committee for six years. During that time she found that building relationship with people of other faiths was just as important as learning about their faiths. Friendship is key. Lynda attended her first NAIN Connect in 2008. She currently serves as the NAIN Program Convenor. Lynda’s day-job involves working with people that live in poverty in Winnipeg’s inner city. She is passionate about working for social change.

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Lynda Trono tiene calidad de ministra de la Iglesia Unida de Canadá, pero sin haber sido ordenada para celebrar misa. Ella se integró al trabajo de inter-fe después que su hijo Joel se convirtió al Islamismo en 2007 y comenzó a experimentar discriminación. Ella se unió al Consejo de Multife de Manitoba y presidió el Comité de Educación por 6 años. Durante ese tiempo ella descubrió que desarrollar relaciones con gente de otra fe era tan importante como saber de su fe. Amistad es la clave. Lynda asistió a su primera conexión NAIN en 2008. Ella en la actualidad sirve como Organizadora de Programas NAIN. El trabajo diario de Lynda envuelve asistir a gente que vive en pobreza en la ciudad de Winnipeg. Ella es apasionada de trabajar por el cambio social.

Michael Reid Trice

Rev. Dr. Michael Reid Trice is an Associate Professor of Constructive Theology and Theological Ethics and the Director of the Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement at Seattle University. The Center is committed to convening substantial discourses and providing educational opportunities with partners from local to international venues.

Dr. Trice is also the founder of Religica, a popular virtual platform that highlights religious traditions, spiritual pathways and indigenous wisdom as virtuous to public life.

Trice studied at Loyola Jesuit University, Duke University, the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, and Ludwig Maximillian Universitaet in Munich, Germany. He served as Executive Associate for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and on the Board of Directors for Church World Service; he currently serves on the Board of the Parliament of the World’s Religions.

Trice is an Associate Editor for the Journal in Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology, served as a liaison to the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, and presents in local, national and international venues.

Yoland Trevino

Yoland Trevino, an indigenous Mayan woman from Guatemala, serves as chair of United Religions Initiative’s Global Council and as regional coordinator for Latin America. With graduate degrees in human behavior and psychology, Yoland is a visionary educator and trainer who focuses on issues related to personal and organizational change. In 1996, after 25 years working in education, health, psychology, family support, and community development, she founded Transformative Collaborations International (TCI). TCI works domestically and internationally supporting educational efforts to unleash the talents of children, youth, and families. TCI has done extensive organizational development work and continues to explore “the art of the possible” utilizing holistic human development, collaborative leadership, and organizational effectiveness. In addition to her work with URI, Ms. Trevino has consulted and designed events for the 2004 Parliament of the World Religions in Barcelona, Spain, as well as a youth track for the 1999 Parliament in Cape Town, South Africa.

Judy Lee Trautman

Judy Lee Trautman is co-founder and co-chair of the MultiFaith Council of NW Ohio and chairs the local Erase the Hate Coalition. Currently the MultiFaith Council is seeking an official designation for Greater Toledo as a Compassionate Community in the Compassionate Cities Campaign. Another major outreach is MultiFaith GROWs, which encourages using faith space for community gardens. Judy is a trustee of the North American Interfaith Network, chairing its Communications Committee. She is an initiate and ordained Cherag of the Sufi Ruhaniat International, as well as a member of First Unitarian Church in Toledo. She is a certified leader of the Dances of Universal Peace, an important spiritual practice for her.

Robert Toth

Robert Toth served as executive director of the Merton Institute for Contemplative Living in Louisville, Kentucky from 1998 to 2010. He is currently engaged in several projects related to advancing the contemplative movement and improving the human condition. These include The Contemplative Alliance, the American Education Think Tank, and the National Leadership Congress. He is the co-editor of Bridges to Contemplative Living (2010), a popular series designed for small group dialogue.

He received his A.B in Classics and M.A. in Education from John Carroll University. He taught English in secondary schools for six years and worked in healthcare administration for twenty-two years before joining the Merton Institute.

Nichola Torbett

Nichola Torbett is the director of Seminary of the Street, a spiritual formation institute fostering communities of recovery and resistance. She previously served as the Director of National Programs for the Network of Spiritual Progressives, an interfaith organization working on the intersection of love, meaning, and politics. Before laying down her corporate fishing rod to follow the NSP to California, she worked as a professional writer and editor in Minnesota and got her political start as Minnesota State Co-Coordinator for Dennis Kucinich’s 2004 presidential campaign. The latter experience convinced her that powerful transformations are possible when activists actually embody, in community, the alternative values they are fighting for.

With degrees from the University of Toledo and Indiana University at Bloomington, Nichola has read widely in cultural studies, theology, social theory, and psychology, but has been most radically shaped by engagement with people who were willing to be real with her.

Mimi Tohill


Miriam (Mimi) K. Tohill (she/her) builds communities of care as a member of Jewish communities in NYC, as a participant in the Flux Factory '19-'20 Residency, and through her day job managing engagement projects for intergenerational LGBTQ communities nationwide. She graduated from Franklin University, Switzerland in 2013 with a BA in History and Comparative Studies.

Rebecca Tobias

Rebecca Tobias is a Global Council trustee of the United Religions Initiative and program director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Ethics, designing and facilitating interfaith and intercultural programs promoting a culture of peace. Her degrees come from the University of London and Florida International University, and she has attended the Elijah Interfaith Institute in Jerusalem. Rebecca has coordinated capacity-building projects with civic, faith, and social justice advocacy organizations locally, nationally and internationally. As a fellow with the United Nations Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights for the Working Groups for Indigenous Populations, Rebecca assisted in drafting resolutions and served as a UN delegate to the Tripartite Forum on Interfaith Cooperation for Peace. She is particularly active in peacebuilding activities in the Middle East and among indigenous communities, and lectures widely on ethics and intercultural cooperation. 

Theodore Timpson

Theodore Timpson is the founder and president of Young Spirit Foundation, advocating for schools that create space for wisdom and connection in young people's lives. The foundation has sponsored the development of Communitas Charter High School in Silicon Valley, a unique program where students will learn through integrative studies, self-reflection, and relationships with the community. Theodore has taught for many years at the elementary level, developed a concept-based math program, and directed several children's theater productions. He has facilitated workshops at a number of national conferences and local organizations. Theodore has a B.A. in English from Harvard University and a M.S. in Education from Bank Street College in New York City, an institution recognized by the Carnegie Foundation for its pioneering work with children. Theodore enjoys getting smiles and giggles from his two children in Mountain View, California.

Edouard Tétreau

Edouard Tétreau is a French economist specializing in the anticipation and management of financial crises, which he has taught at the leading French business school HEC Paris. As a sell-side financial analyst in the previous decade, he was credited for having predicted the internet stock market crash in Europe(March 16, 2000 Credit Lyonnais Securities note, “take your e-profits before a potential e-crash”), and Jean-Marie Messier’s Vivendi Universal disaster (March 2002).

His first three books, the latest of which was published in China, described the excesses and sheer “madness” (folie financière) of the financial sphere with a particular angle on Wall Street, where he worked for a major financial institution (US$600 billion of assets under management) during the latest 2008 crisis. In the United States, Edouard serves as a trustee of the Washington, D.C.-based think tank, Committee for Economic Development (CED) and a member of the Advisory Board of La Maison Française at Columbia University.

His book, The Rising Tide, (in French, Quand tombera le mur de l’argent) (2015) is based on “Pope Francis economics” and Tétreau’s 2014 briefing to the Vatican about the inherent difficulties in the world’s economy.

Max Tegmark

Max Tegmark is a professor of physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, focused on astrophysics and cosmology. A native of Sweden, he did his graduate work at University of California, Berkeley. Subsequently he worked at the Max-Planck-Institut für Physik in Munich and, as a Hubble Fellow, was a member of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. He taught at the University of Pennsylvania, where he was tenured in 2003. In 2004 he joined the MIT faculty. His work in “precision cosmology,” combining theoretical work with new measurements to place sharp constraints on cosmological models and their free parameters, has been honored. In 2003 he shared the first prize in Science magazine’s “Breakthrough of the Year” award. He is widely published, not just in academic journals but in Scientific American, BBC, Science, and Huffington Post.

Pamela Taylor

Pamela Taylor, an On Faith panelist, has been an active member of the American Muslim community for 25 years. She is co-founder and member of the Advisory Board of Muslims for Progressive Values. She has served as Director and Publications officer of the Islamic Writers Alliance, and has worked for The Islamic Media Foundation and the Islamic Society of North America. She is a strong supporter of gender equality in the Muslim world, and as a proponent of the woman-led prayer movement has served as imam on various occasions. With a Masters of Theology from Harvard Divinity School, she has written extensively on Islam, in academic works and the mainstream media as well as the Muslim media. She has lectured at universities and conferences across North America and abroad, including South Africa and Malaysia.

Erin Taylor

Erin Taylor is director of communications at the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, a position she has held since March 2012, and has been special advisor for global engagement at Georgetown since May 2015. She is also pursuing her M.Sc. in the Walsh School of Foreign Service. Previously, Erin served as deputy director of communications at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. She has also worked for the British Consulate-General in New York and the German Embassy in Washington. Erin is a graduate of The George Washington University and was an Alexander von Humboldt German Chancellor Scholar in Berlin.