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Muchos Idiomas, Muchas Acciones / Many Languages, Many Actions

Muchos Idiomas, Muchas Acciones / Many Languages, Many Actions

by Vaus Bandhu

When I was 18, I began to get involved in interfaith collaboration to promote peacebuilding, and learned about the importance of creating a sustainable and lasting movement. Thanks to the support of…

Religions for Peace USA at the Parliament

The Parliament of the World Religions gathers in Salt Lake City, Utah this October 15th-19th, and many of RfP USA’s religious communities will be presenting their work. Religions for Peace USA will be featured on two panels, we hope to see you there supporting our work. Don’t miss this chance to learn more and connect!

Leading Interfaith Activists Explore the Interfaith Movement

RFFFPUSA and El-Hibri Foundation Celebrate Interfaith Harmony Week 2014

Celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week with RFPUSA Webinars

Join These Free Interfaith Webinars

Pre-Assembly Youth Network Meeting with Religions for Peace USA

Hearing the Voices of Religious Youth to the World

Thich Nhat Hanh: In 100 Years There May Be No More Humans on Planet Earth

The acclaimed Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh talks to the Ecologist about the loss of biodiversity and why human vulnerability is not something we should despair about

What the Emerging Interfaith Voices Tell Us

What do TIO’s March and April “Emerging Interfaith Voices” series tell us about the interfaith culture emerging globally?

Eboo Patel – Spokesperson in the Making

Born in 1975, Eboo Patel grew up in Chicago, raised in a Muslim family that had immigrated to America’s urban Midwest from central India when he was a toddler. He grew up a high achiever, eventually taking his doctorate in religion from Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar. His “big idea” of an Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) was conceived in 1998 during a United Religions Initiative planning conference at Stanford University. In 2002 the new organization was incorporated.