Pam Faro


Storyteller Pam Faro lives in Broomfield, CO and has performed and taught since 1988, across the US as well as several countries overseas. Her diverse repertoire includes original retellings of multicultural folktales, bilingual cuentos, biblical storytelling, interfaith storytelling, and personal/historical narratives including the true story of her great-uncle who survived the Titanic. A life-long Lutheran, Pam also served churches as music/choir director for 30 years. She received her B.A. in music with teacher certification from Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, and her Master of Divinity degree from Iliff School of Theology in Denver. An active member of the Network of Biblical Storytellers International (NBS), she has been editor of the Journal of Biblical Storytelling, teaches in the Academy for Biblical Storytelling, writes for The Biblical Storyteller magazine, and is a member of the NBS Seminar, a group made up of academics and performers developing a new paradigm for biblical scholarship called Performance Criticism. She guest-edited the “Interfaith Storytelling” issue of Storytelling Magazine” in 2016. Pam serves as a consultant/workshop-leader in using storytelling in ministry settings, in addition to her work as a performer/entertainer and educator in secular contexts.
Pam's website: