Brian McLaren


Brian D. McLaren is an author, speaker, activist, and public theologian. A former teacher and pastor, he is an ecumenical global networker among innovative Christian leaders. From 1978 to 1986, McLaren taught college English, and in 1982, he helped form Cedar Ridge Community Church, an innovative, nondenominational church in the Baltimore-Washington region ( His books include The Church on the Other Side: Doing Ministry in the Postmodern Matrix (1998), Finding Faith (1999), A New Kind of Christian (2001), The Story We Find Ourselves In (2003), The Last Word and the Word After That (2005), Finding Our Own Way Again (2008), and A New Kind of Christianity (2010). His most recent book is Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road? – Christian Identity in a Multi-Faith World (2012). In conferences around the world, on TV, and in the press, Brian McLaren is a champion for a Christianity grounded in discernment, compassion, and inclusiveness.