Avon Mattison

Avon Mattison traces her commitment to peacebuilding to her childhood years during World War II, hearing her parents talk of war, and being utterly captured by the notion of spending her life promoting world peace. She is founder and president of Pathways to Peace (PTP), an international peacebuilding, education, and consulting nonprofit holding consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council. PTP was instrumental in supporting efforts by Robert Muller and John McDonald to establish a UN International Day of Peace, celebrated today by more than 4000 NGOs around the world. PTP remains the Day of Peace’s strongest supporter. Avon serves on the advisory councils/boards of several international organizations, including the Global Commission to Fund the United Nations, the Center For Visionary Leadership, Ehama Institute, Foundation for the Healing Among Nations, Radio For Peace International, World Peace Prayer Society, the World Centers of Compassion for Children, and the World Fund for the Dignity of Children.